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Request a quote for a Caregivers' Toolbox

Home Care

Thank you very much for your interest in our Caregivers' toolbox, which will help you support seniors and allow them to live safely in their home.

Would you like a quote? Leave us your contact details and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!


- The Clint or Scarlett program - 1 year included,

- Other apps free of charge,

- Physical accessories : A foam ball, to maintain motor skills, A set of nail polishes, A manicure kit, Lotion for hand massages, refreshing wipes...


- Complete ADVANCED pack,

- Lifetime license to Rolling Ball app.

Le champ SMS doit contenir entre 6 et 19 chiffres et inclure le code pays sans utiliser +/0 (ex. : 33xxxxxxxxx pour la France)